NaNoWriMo is Here and I Have a Book to Write

“Impeccable timing, your majesty,” Zazu said in the opening scene of Lion King, and I echo the self-same sentiment as I write this.

It is with much despair that I admit that since the last Dood update I haven’t penned a single sentence in the book I am supposed to complete on Christmas day. Sigh. I am becoming a problem. 

Ah, well. On the plus side, I have finally been able to grab my story’s plot by the tailcoat, and it is pretty interesting. I am almost confident that anyone who reads the story will give me marks for effort, at least.

So, NaNoWriMo is here, and even though I am four days late, I am going in hard (no testicular cancer). Meanwhile, NaBloPoMo (which is pretty hilarious to say out loud) has started on the same relay as NaNoWriMo, and now is a good time for people to have their blog challenge.

NaNoWriMo means “National Novel Writing Month”, and it is a self-discipline exercise for the distracted or otherwise occupied writer (I fit both bills) to finally get his ass of the whatever-it-is and finally write. 

So, here’s the plan. I have decided to write a minimum of 1,500 words daily. I can do this *breathes hard* yes, I can.

As surely as the minister of Goa compared Nigerians to cancer, I can do this.



BTW: NaBloPoMo Means “National Blog Post Month”

20 thoughts on “NaNoWriMo is Here and I Have a Book to Write

    1. Thanks, Dunni. NaNoWriMo is a pretty old idea, organized by a guy called Chris Baty in 1999. The idea was/is basically to help writers who are always procrastinating because they want to write at their best quality to just write – the challenge is to write a 50,000-word novel in 30days. The focus is no longer on quality, but on quality. It helps. After you have done the 50k word novel, you can go on to edit and brush up and put in that quality we are all sticklers for.

      And – I would get my butt off social networks – if you would allow me (>_>)


      1. *No longer on quality but on quantity. But who will motivate them to write na? The deadline of 30 days is cool but if it’s not being submitted to an authority, I don’t see how it helps.
        Lol. IKR. I’ll not be disturbing you on Whatsapp again, don’t worry. 🙂


    1. I don’t know for sure, Dawnhosking. I’m just beginning and I’m petrified, to say the truth – I am King of Procrastinators. Are you in on the NaNoWriMo train as well?


      1. I can’t do it this year for one reason or another and am most envious 😉 I know the feeling of beginning a novel but you will be fine, just allow your characters space and they will guide you — enjoy and good luck.


  1. I have pain & fatigue that currently dominates my energy levels, plus I have a 2nd draft of my novel that I’m getting to asap.


    1. Whoa. I hope you aren’t that much in pain though 😦 Sorry to read that. Thanks for the encouragement on beginning a novel. I swear I needed that. The beginning inertia is huuuuuge!

      Well – I hope you get to your novel as soon as humanly possible 😀


      1. I’m OK 😉 thanks.

        Have you any plans to do anything with your novel once it’s written?

        I can’t wait to get back to mine — I’ll definitely have fresh eyes for the edit 😉


  2. Well – I intend to put it up for free downloads for my friends and blog visitors for a while – up until next year – before I wrap up the show and put it on Amazon 🙂

    At least that’s the plan on paper.


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